Gifts From the Past- Our "Gifts" to the Future
I just got back from our Sunday morning Flea Market and started thinking on a story an old farmer told me. He described how he used to plow his fields with his daughters sitting on the back of the tractor watching for Indian relics to emerge from the soil. He said they had quite a collection. It was a lovely memory for him and a beautiful story to listen to. As I drove home I thought how wonderful to find pieces of history that are cherished by those in the present. Some of these artifacts are thousands of years old and there they are still coming to light. (I won't get into all the horrid negatives here about the conquest of North America by Europeans but you are welcome to let your mind run wild on this topic) As I drove home I started to visualize the future, people living here hundreds even thousands of years in the future and what they may find coming to light. Will these be things to cherish and share? Will they be something for facinated children to eagerly collect? Rusting barrells of toxic poisons? Plastics that still haven't degraded? Containers of all kinds of poisions that we use so thoughtlessly to clean, disinfect, kill unwanted pests, or ingest as "medicine". Nuclear waste that can't be safely disposed of? Think of the landfills, toxic waste dumps, litter along our highways, all the man made unnatural toxic waste that piles higher and deeper every day. I shudder at this vision.
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