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Friday, September 30, 2005

Disentangling Yourself From Corporate America

OK, I know I still have to bow to corporate America for some things- I still live in a house in a quickly growing town with a phone and electricity and natural gas but I'm trying. I've gotten so used to most of my ways that it isn't even trying anymore- for years it has just become habit. So here are some hints that may help anyone who wants to to stop putting your hard earned money into the pockets of the already rich and uncaring.

Food- buy locally grown- farmers markets, grow your own and never buy preprocessed food! Cook your own, bake your own. Not only will you put your money back into the hands of local folks, you will be healther tool If you want to go to a restaurant stay away from chains- go to a locally owned home-cooking style restaurant.

Clothing- I haven't bought new clothes in decades. Go to thrift shops, yard sales, church rumage sales. Why in the world would people waste money on over priced new clothing? I have my own style and get many compliments- my kids have all been raised in used clothes and no one complains. My teenager gets a big kick out of what I get for him- take your kids along and let them pick out what they want. They can have a lot more when everything costs under $3!

Cosmetics and personal care products- Well, I don't wear makeup- more corporate brainwashing of our society. I make my own mosturizers and buy everything else at the health food store. Again- you will be healthier doing this. Your skin absorbs chemicals from all the commercially produced products that are full of questionable ingredients. Use essential oils for perfume and scenting your mosturizers.

Cars- If you don't live where there is good public transportation buy a good used small gas saving car. If you live in a nice climate- walk and ride a bicycle- lucky folks who can do this all year- I envy you.

Books- Used book stores and libraries are the place to be.

Furniture- Oh my- antique stores and flea markets are the best! And if you get tired of something it retains its value. Most antique furniture is of much better quality and way cheaper than a comparable item in a furniture store. And it's so much fun to look for your treasures.

Musical Instruments- Classified ads, flea markets etc.

Art and mirrors etc for your walls- Make your own, buy at art festivals, yard sales, flea markets, antique stores

Carpets-Antique stores and used furniture stores have nice area rugs. Or go for the oriental rugs on eBay. There isn't a better deal anywhere on beautiful Persian rugs. Rug dealers are full of recent imports from Iran. These are gorgeous and handmade. Yes, I know sometimes children make them- but is a traditional tribal life really any worse than the conditions in our schools that some children can barely endure?

Dishes- Buy handmade pottery from your local ceramic artists. Buy vintage or antique dishes at flea markets and antique stores. Want to totally cheap out? Thrift stores have china for next to nothing. Be creative and have fun! Take a ceramics class at your local art school and make your own.

Pets- Humane societies and pet shelters are the only way and then have your pet neutered. I have always gotten my dogs at our local shelter.

Jewelry- Antique stores, flea markets, vintage clothing stores, jewelry artists.

For anything you need it is best to try to buy used or handmade. You are putting your money into the hands of your neighbors and community members and supporting hard working artists.
I know people will disagree with me and one big complaint is that if everyone did this it would cost jobs- I don't really agree- what jobs? The ones in China? The top dogs in the corporations? People working for minium wage in retail? If people make an effort at responsible buying then we may not all continue living as mere slaves to corporate America. Use your imaginations, have fun and don't thow your money away.


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